

  • Potatoes contain a variety of phytonutrients that have antioxidant activity and are very good source of vitamin C and B6, dietrary fiber and minerals like potassium, copper,  manganese, phosphorus, niacin

  • The one significant difference between purple potatoes and white/yellow potatoes is the antioxidant content - purple potatoes contain 4 times as much antioxidants as other potatoes


  • It is best, whenver possible, to buy organic potatoes which are on the “dirty dozen” list of the Environmental Working Group (EWG) because they are sprayed and treated with chemicals which penetrate the skin. Peeling potatoes gets rid of about 70% of these chemicals but the skins are the most nutritious part of the potato and peeling them results in a loss of 50% of the total antioxidants found in poratoes

  • Refridgerating cooked potatoes for 24 hours reduces the sugar level by 25%. Bake a potato, chill it overnight and reheat it before serving the next day

  • Avoid peeled and pre-cut potatoes since when their skins are removed by washing, potatoes are more vulnerable to bacteria

  • Raw potatoes should not be stored in the fridge because their starch content will turn to sugar giving them a bad taste. Additionally, don’t store potatoes near onions, as the gases they each emit will cause the degradation of one another